More info once date is set!
Once again we are proud to announce that this years bowling tournament will be held January 20, 2024 at Richfield bowl and the awards dinner will be following the tournament at UAW Local 651. Everyone is invited to come out and have some fun and a great dinner, meet this years recipients and congratulate them. The Tournament is open to the public. Cash prizes for winners, there will be raffles and 50/50 drawings and 100% of the proceeds go directly into the scholarship.
1) Only USBC certified bowlers are eligible to compete
2) Use your highest certified average based on 21 games or more from the 2023-24 yearbook. If current average is 15 pins higher, with at least 21 games, as of January 14, 2024 current average will be used. If no average has been established as of January 14, 2024 you will use 175 as an entering average and assigned handicap will be used. If a bowler did not have a average in the 2021 year book they will use their average from this year
3) Handicap is figured on 90% difference between your average and 220
4) Prize fees will be returned 100% in prizes. Prizes will be awarded on basis of one (1) prize for every ten (10) entries.
5) Tournament management reserves the right to correct any averages and adjust final tournament standings accordingly.
6) USBC Rule 319 c & e , Bowlers may be re-rated under these rules.
7) USBC Rule 319 d- Does not apply
8) USBC Rule 329- The decision of the tournament committee shall be final unless a written appeal is filed within 72 hours
9) Bowlers must 18 years old or have form signed by parent